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Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses

An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies

November 23-24, 2024

A 2-day online Training

Though we’ll look at how foreign influences such as curses and entities influence us, clearing those types of energies is more advanced than this workshop allows space for. 

If you’re interested in clearing entities, sign up for the psychopomp course in October. 

If you’re interested in clearing curses, keep in touch for new trainings next year.

To be healthy, happy, and authentically ourselves, we must have a coherent energy field—in other words, we must be in alignment with our own natural energetic imprint. 

But when foreign energy is present, it’s difficult to maintain coherence. And depending on the type of energy present, the effects can be very uncomfortable—from physical pain, to low energy, to depression, to feelings of stuckness and more.

In this class, you’ll learn about a few of the most common types of foreign energies that influence us, where they come from, and how we work with them. 

Other explorations will include:

  • What foreign energy is, and where it comes from

  • How foreign energy affects our well-being

  • How we can protect ourselves on a daily basis

  • Different kinds of shamanic techniques used for clearing energy

  • Advanced cord-cutting practices

  • Shamanic extraction*

★Performing shamanic extraction is the primary skill we’ll be focused on in this 2-day workshop.★

Thoughtforms, Intrusions, Extractions & Curses: An Introduction to Working with Foreign Energies

Saturday November 23rd & Sunday November 24th
10am - 4pm PT, Each day
(This course is live only - no recordings will be shared)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Shamanism or Journey Experience

Space is limited to ensure that you receive the attention you need.

You will have direct access to me throughout the entire workshop, and everyone will have ample time to ask questions and receive personal feedback.

As fun as it is to study with someone as popular as Sandra Ingerman (I know—she’s been my mentor for 5+ years!), you can get lost in bigger groups.

This is a really special opportunity to receive Sandra’s direct teachings, as well as my personal techniques developed in partnership with spirit, in an intimate, personalized setting.

★If you do wish to study with Sandra, this training fulfills her official Extraction prerequisite.★

Apply Today

An application is required for this course, but don’t worry that you’re not advanced enough! I teach this material in a safe and accessible way for all backgrounds. The most important thing is that you have a strong journey practice and ideally are able to merge with your helping spirits.

Prerequisite: completion in one of my introductory shamanism courses or a similar foundational offering

Please see workshop policies here.

Early bird pricing for applications received before 11/1/24


Your Guide

Juniper Stokes

Welcome! I’m Juniper Stokes, and I am devoted to supporting you on your journey of connecting to nature, spirit, and the cosmos.

I’ve been studying, practicing, and teaching spiritual rewilding and shamanism for over two decades.

I’m also a recommended teacher and approved to teach advanced shamanic workshops by Sandra Ingerman.

Over the years, I’ve completed a 3-year shamanic practitioner training, two-year teacher training with Sandra Ingerman, and extensive study with Betsy Bergstrom. I also have formal training in Mayan, Norse, Celtic, Taoist, and Egyptian animist practices, as well as Western magic traditions.

In addition to teaching, I’ve been supporting clients with shamanic healing, spiritual counsel, and depth coaching since 2017.

Integrity and service are at the heart of my offerings…as is joy! This is serious work and we don’t shy from shadow, but we do laugh our way though.

I can’t wait to meet you!

“I am delighted Juniper Stokes has brought her work out into the world. Juniper has a real gift for all she passionately offers. Anyone taking a workshop, seeing Juniper as a client, or buying some of her sacred herbal products will be introduced to fresh ideas, a compassionate and brilliant practitioner and teacher, and a path back to balance and healing. Juniper’s work is exceptional!”

Sandra Ingerman, MA, world renowned shamanic teacher and best selling author of 12 books

Who is this for?

This is for you if…

  • You have a foundation in shamanism and are looking for deeper skills

  • You have a strong journey practice and relationships with your spirit helpers

  • You are a coach, massage therapist, counselor, or healer

  • You feel called to heal others and our Earth with spiritual and energetic techniques

  • You are able to self-regulate and tend your own nervous system as needed

This is not for you if…

  • You’re a complete beginner in shamanism. Basic skills are required

  • You’re not willing to have an open mind and explore new ideas—an open mind is the only real requirement for this!

  • You’re experiencing severe trauma and are unable to self-regulate

  • You’re primary goal is personal healing—this workshop is focused on cultivating skills, not receiving personal healing

Still wondering if this is right for you? Let’s chat! 

Email me with questions OR Schedule a call


  • I’ll review applications in the order I receive them. You should know within a week. If we haven’t worked together before, I may like to schedule a follow-up call before confirming your acceptance.

    Your spot will be officially reserved upon payment :)

  • I’m unable to offer refunds for cancellations at this time. Please be sure of your commitment before you pay.

  • There are many ways you can fulfill the prerequisites. Taking my online intro course in August is probably the best way. If that doesn't work for you but you're called to this course, reach out and let me know if you’d like support in preparing for this training.

  • Feel free to email me at or schedule a free 20 minute call here.

We acknowledge that this workshop takes place on land ceded under pressure to Oregon Territory in the Treaty of 1855 by Paiute, Wasco, and Warm Springs tribal chiefs. May our work be in service to the benevolent beings who still tend this sacred land.